Monday, August 24, 2009

Post-adolescence Notes: The Eagle & The Nightengales

I completed the post-it note story for Mercedes Lackey's The Eagle and the Nightingales, and returned it to the library. It took me quite a while to write the story for this book, because I wanted the story to in some way address the relationship I had with Mercedes Lackey's books when I was in High School - the heyday of my Lackey reading - and it turns out that I find it very difficult to make high schoolers interesting. At least without making them act like twenty-five year olds.

You can read the complete addition to Mercedes Lackey's novel here  and here (it is in two parts for ease of upload).


  1. I love that book!!!! I want to read your post-it story.

  2. I hope you do! You can get a pdf scan of all the post-it note insertions through the link in the post above. I'm certainly interested to hear from someone who actually knows the context of the book. I'll warn you though, I am not always entirely kind to Mercedes Lackey...
